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Limitless Spectrum - Gallery Reception


In our first ever solo photography exhibit, Mr. Smarttguy takes a transformative approach to push the boundaries of our visual vocabularies concerning the diffusion, absorption, and reflection of light through the conduit of melanin. Using the body as his canvas and light as his brush, Mr. Smarttguy creates a “limitless spectrum”.

Join us in our Newport News Community Gallery on January 11, 2019 for the celebration of this exhibit, featuring the powerful fine art photography of Mr. Smarttguy. Meet the artist and learn more about his creative process and his artwork. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served and a raffle will be held. To enter the raffle, RSVP above. This event is free and open to the public so RSVP is not required for entry to the event. It is only required for entry into the raffle.