Sign the Virtual Guest Book
For those who weren't able to see it, check out the preview below and sign the virtual guest book.
If you were able to make it to the exhibit in person, Feel free to sign the guestbook again, but this time virtually.
links coming soon
About The Artist
I create art that provokes conversations. I intentionally create pieces that give rise to emotions with the hope to increase self-awareness and encourage critical thinking and better communication.
My inspiration comes from everyday life as well as significant historical and current events; depicting stories in the light of truth as I believe that displaying constant images of the truth is a way to dispel myths, stereotypes, and negative narratives. Even in my nature scene and abstract paintings, I used earth-tone colors as a way to point people back to the “natural” core part of themselves and to examine their condition. Literal, metaphoric, and figurative expressions are often used in my work to convey messages. The idea is not to impose but to propose a different perspective.
“I use my artwork as a tool to convey messages that may not otherwise be heard. Overall, the message is a message of love, hope, and empowerment.”
--Michelle Richardson
Works include graphic designs, portraiture, graphite, watercolor, abstract, acrylic paintings, mixed media, crafting, upcycling, card making, small-scale clay modeling, paper mache, and props for stage plays or private parties. The style of my work would be best described as multifaceted as I create art in various styles and mediums, using a wide range of imagery, realistic and abstract with themes predominantly from my culture and centered around family.
About the Exhibit
This exhibit will feature portraits of “notable” women; celebrating the beauty of womanhood and all of its glory. Life has a way of causing people to forget who they are but a mirror will accurately remind them. A mirror tells the truth, so the question becomes, are we listening?
Words from the Artist
“ The show's concept is to get people to see that when looking at others, it’s a choice to be either inspired or offended. A private (personal) mirror shows us what we need to adjust to become a better person or reach our goals while public mirrors (people outside of us) show us that it’s possible. Seeing the best version of yourself makes it much easier to see the best in others.
The mystery of whose faces will be seen in this exhibit will be solved through the eyes of each beholder. As we witness these captivating images with our eyes, may we also receive the message within our souls. This exhibit calls for women to celebrate one another and not separate based on our differences but come together based on our likeness. So yay to womanhood. You are acknowledged, appreciated, celebrated, and never duplicated. Come and be your authentic, one-of-a-kind self. This show is for you.”
Related Programming:
An Opening Reception will take place on Saturday, Mar. 4, 2023, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. to mark the opening of the exhibition from March 4 through April 2023.
This exhibit is in honor of Women’s History Month
For more information on how business practices have changed to slow the spread of COVID-19, please visit our website by clicking here.
Reception Images
coming soon
Exhibit Images
coming soon